We are back on line. Pop back regularly for updates.
Our next meeting is to be held at the Brechin Community Campus on Tuesday the 4th of July 2017, starting at 7 pm.
We are back on line. Pop back regularly for updates.
Our next meeting is to be held at the Brechin Community Campus on Tuesday the 4th of July 2017, starting at 7 pm.
Hello everyone.
Welcome back
Good afternoon,
I am currently undertaking a PhD Internship with the Scottish Sentencing Council, with my particular research focussing on public perceptions of youth crime and youth offending. I am in the early stages of recruiting volunteer focus group participants and was wondering if this may be something your members may be interested in participating in? This would take up no more than two hours of delegates’ time and can be arranged at a mutually convenient location.
Thank you very much for your time and I look forward to hearing from you in due course.
With best wishes,
Gordon R.A. Jack
PhD Intern – Scottish Sentencing Council
Judicial Office for Scotland | Parliament House | Edinburgh | EH1 1RQ
E – gjack@scotcourts.gov.uk
Is your Community Council group looking to either purchase or hire Festive or Christmas lighting for this year?? If so please contact me to discuss further.